Saturday, 29 September 2012

Circular No 569

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 29 of September 2012, Circular No 569
Dear Friends,
Here you have the Exchange on the MINUTES that were approved at the Association's meeting.
RE: Minutes of the Board Meeting held on May 21, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012 8:52 PM
Dear Dennis,
Given the urgency of your request, I made the time to read the minutes and have no problem with anything contained therein, the only correction being rightly instead of righty in the second minute. I second the adoption of the minutes as rendered and amended, although I can't remember Ladislao's correction. I agree with your suggestion of sending copies of the minutes to all old boys.
As for your other observations, I have been reluctant to be the 1st to respond to you and have been waiting for others so say how they feel, rather than attempting to over influence their thoughts.
Nonetheless, in the absence or candour from elsewhere, I must say that I agree with your proposal and Peter's sentiments to make any information which is already public freely available; However, I understand the Articles of Incorporation to be a not for profit association's equivalent of a limited liability company's Memorandum of Association. The Articles of Association (or whatever would be the equivalent for a not for profit association) would seem to provide an opportunity for the association to insist on financial participation, when we provide a copy to the dues paying member. Doing it this way could create a greater sense of ownership minimizing a noticeable tendency to excessive uninformed comment and criticism, from those who have little at stake, too much free time and absolutely no intent to be satisfied with the efforts of others.
From what I have read my argument may be weakened if Articles of Incorporation and Articles of Association are one and the same and consequently public documents: if so we nonetheless have the option to require a fee when we provide a personal copy and should do so.
I don't feel strongly about this and I am willing to go along with the majority and your comfort threshold. I must say however that we run the risk of being harassed by some, without ever receiving a cent and having onerous accountability.
Joseph Berment-McDowald
Subject: RE: Minutes of the Board Meeting held on May 21, 2012
Received: Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 6:43 PM
Joe and other fellow Directors
Please reply to my email communications of the 3rd and 17th below addressed to the Directors.
From: <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 12:37:16 -0400
Hi Joe;
Please refer to the paragraph numbered 5 of the unconfirmed Minutes. Gary replaced James Samaroo.
I filed the necessary Notice of Change of Secretary at the Companies Registry on the 26th June.
From: Joe []
Sent: Monday, 17 September 2012 12:09 PM
Dear Dennis,
Would you clarify: is Gary the secretary?
From: <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 11:59:25 -0400
Hi Peter,
I am encouraged by your response, but I would also really like to hear from my fellow Directors and from Gary, the Secretary.
From: Peter Sammy []
Sent: Monday, 17 September 2012 10:47 AM
I agree with you, this information is fairly standard and I feel that not providing a copy will only lead to a conspiracy theory which cannot be helpful. As far as the minutes are concerned I would move a motion for their acceptance as you presented them.
Peter Sammy
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 9:06 AM, <> wrote:
Dear fellow Directors;
I refer to my e-mail of September 03, and look forward to hearing from you in connection with the approval/confirmation of the minutes please. If we cannot deal with this by e-mail round robin we shall have to convene a meeting of the Board to confirm same.
I would also like to know your views on circulating the minutes to the alumni.
Please also authorise me to provide a copy of the Articles of Incorporation and last Annual Return to the alumni. I see no harm in doing so considering that these documents are filed at the Companies Registry and are available to any member of the public.
FROM: Peter Sammy
Monday, September 17, 2012 10:17 AM
I agree with you, this information is fairly standard and I feel that not providing a copy will only lead to a conspiracy theory which cannot be helpful. As far as the minutes are concerned I would move a motion for their acceptance as you presented them
From: Dennis Gurley
Sent: Monday, 03 September 2012 12:09 PM
Dear Fellow Directors and Alumni;
Ladislao has suggested the amendments shown in red in the new paragraph 12 on the attached revised unconfirmed minutes. I have no difficulty in accepting his suggestion. Please indicate if you require me to make any additional additions or amendments.
Joe B-McD, with the consent of the other directors, I think that we should share these minutes with the alumni. Doing so may (with a little luck) spark some fresh ideas and enthusiasm.
From: Dennis Gurley
Sent: Monday, 27 August 2012 04:17 PM
Please find attached unconfirmed Minutes prepared by me for your consideration. Please review and indicate any amendments you consider necessary. Please return the attachment to me (and forward to other directors and secretary) showing any suggested corrections additions and/or amendments thereon with tracked changes.
Note: the Notices of (1) Change of Director and (2) Change of Secretary have been filed at the Companies Registry.
Where do we go from here?
Dennis Gurley
Subject: Longing to Belong
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 23:49:13 -0400
I'm delighted to know that SOMETHING is being done to recognize the Centenary of MSB. I had made a number of solid proposals earlier in the year, but received zero response from Fr. Abbot. Don't understand why, but he must know something I don't. Anyway, in the absence of any response from him, we Old Boys of the Abbey School have gone ahead and planned a number of reunions in various countries, in recognition of the Centenary.
It's possible that the Abbey School Alumni Association (ASAA) would like to join the effort to recognize Dom Mayuel de Caigny, so I'm passing your request onto them for their further consideration.
On 2012-07-16, at 10:51 PM, Joanne Williams-Schmidhammer wrote:
CONGRATS ! This is all wonderful news....
We shall check it.
And place also on our CR-Facebook.
I shall fwd your mail to Nigel Boos.
He shall be very interested.
Would you support us with a small ADVERT for BOOK SALES...a QUARTER PAGE B&W would cost you TT $1,000 ?
A FULL COLOURED QUARTER page ad is TT$2,000.
I currently print 12,000 copies of Curepe Roundabout. My hope is to print 15,000 this Special 50th Independence edition.
Subject: RE: THANKS from CR
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 15:53:19 -0400
We have just published a book to mark the centenary.
The book is called, "LONGING TO BELONG" and it is biography of DOM MAYUEUL DE CAIGNY, the founder of Mount St Benedict in 1912.
Copies of the Book will be available in THE PAX ABBEY SHOP at the Mount from August 2012 for the price of TT$220.00.
At present it is already available on-line at AMAZON.COM and Barnes & Noble.
On the website of the PARIA PUBLISHING COMPANY there is a blog where you can get more details and a link to the online stores:,
I am also now preparing a new website for the abbey and I have placed some information about the book on the HOME PAGE.
You can check it out at,
What do you say?
We would appreciate some of the publicity for the sale of the book.
Subject: THANKS from CR
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 19:20:54 +0000
That was so fast....thanks a million !!!
How are your Centenary plans coming along...?
Please check us on FACEBOOK...Like & Share us...
Oh, IF there is any info which you wish put out to the public, please send it to me as regular email, and we'll put it on our CUREPE ROUNDABOUT FACEBOOK
Ladislao Kertesz at,
11UN0002AAMSON, Antonio Aman
12LK6317UNIONTOWER, Lunch, Gabriel Faria and Robert Date
12LK0010UNIONTWR, Invitation card
12LK0011UNIONTWR, Invitation card signatures

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