Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Circular No 568.2

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 26 September 2012 No.568 extra, extra




PRESENT:                   Joseph Berment-McDowald
Christopher Knowles
Dennis Adrian Gurley
Ladislao Kertesz

ALSO PRESENT:        Peter Sammy – Treasurer
Gary Matthews
                                    Enrique Bonaparte
                                    Joseph Habib
                                    Michael D’Ornellas
                                    Winston Kerry

REGRETS:                   James Samaroo - Secretary

1.      The Convenor of the meeting, Dennis Gurley, called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. and gave a brief introduction of the Association, in particular that it was a non-profit association incorporated on the 22nd March, 2010 under the Companies Act and that the Directors were himself, Joseph Berment-McDowald, Ladislao Kertesz and Christopher Knowles, who were the first members of the Association.  He then invited Joseph Berment-McDowald, as President of the Association, to chair the meeting and Mr. Berment-McDowald took the chair. 

2.      Mr. Berment-McDowald pointed out that Mr. Samaroo, Secretary of the Association, had sent his regrets and that Mr. Peter Sammy was the Treasurer.  He informed the meeting that the purpose of this meeting was to put some flesh on the skeleton structure of the Association which was a statutory structure under the Companies Act.  In particular, although the Articles of Incorporation stated the objects, which were all charitable in nature, it was a question of what activities the association would become involved in as there was a general feeling (righty so) that the Association was doing nothing.  Mr. Berment-McDowald gave a history of the attempts made by past students to become involved in various activities and to assist.  The general feeling was that the Abbot was likely to object to the Association “interfering” and that it might be necessary to establish some goodwill with the Abbot before attempting to get involved in any project or matter.  

3.      Michael “Specks” D’Ornellas reported that some years ago Gary Matthews had suggested the establishment of a museum and he (Michael) was quite excited about the idea and felt that it was not likely to be considered controversial by the Abbot and it might give the Association an opportunity to do something useful in preserving the artifacts of the Benedictine Order at Mount St. Benedict and perhaps also providing an archive for matters of interest to the Alumni of the Abbey School, but that the experience of the Benedictine monks  (several examples of which were provided by Mr. Berment-McDowald) have been such that the Order was apprehensive about partnering with third parties.

Indeed, reference was made to the attempts made by the Abbot to block the use of the words “Abbey School” in the name of the Association.  Mr. Peter Sammy read a letter from the Abbot to J.D. Sellier + Co. which was copied to the Registrar General objecting to the use of the name.

4.      Various potential activities were discussed and in particular the rehabilitation of the tennis courts and pool, however, it was pointed out that this matter was subject to some controversy involving the Sports Company of Trinidad and Tobago which was the subject of an enquiry/audit.  Joseph Habib indicated that he was friendly with someone (Bob) at the Sports Company and he could make an enquiry as to the status of that audit and the possibility of advancing the renovation and rehabilitation.  . 

After some discussion it was agreed that Gary Matthews and Michael D’Ornellas would pursue this matter, co-opting such other members as they may think fit. They would develop a plan of action for the organising/set-up of the museum and propose the plan to the Abbot. Considering that 2012 is the 100 anniversary of the Monastery, this project would be timely

5.      It was agreed that it was necessary to inject new life into the association and as such  Joseph Habib was invited to join the Board (he being a representative of the 1975-1980 era).  Considering also that James Samaroo operated a betting pool business and had little time to devote to the Association, his retirement would be accepted and Gary Matthews would be appointed Secretary in his place.

6.      Ladislao Kertesz expressed some measure of frustration in the operation of the Association and endorsed the need to breathe new life into it.  He felt that it was critical that the Association should have a live web page where people could interact with each other and the Association, and that there should be representatives of the different age groups in order that the Association might be considered relevant to all.  He suggested that there should be a contact person for each grouping, whether by age, nationality or otherwise.

7.      Enrique Bonaparte indicated that he knew someone who develops web pages and that he would pursue this matter but he needed to be supplied with information with regard to the content of the web page.

8.      Ladislao Kertesz also suggested that there should be a “wall” where the Alumni would have their names (and dates) engraved in commemoration of the time spent at the Abbey School.

9.      Peter Sammy expressed concern that he was the sole repository of the funds of the Association and suggested that a bank account should be established. He would provide an account of the funds held.

10.  There being no further business, the Chairman called the meeting to a close at 6:30 p.m.

            Recording Secretary                                                                       Chairman

                                                                                    Date         :                               , 2012


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