Saturday, 18 August 2012

Circular No 563

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 18 August 2012 No.563
Dear Friends,

I would like to receive photos from those attending the diverse meetings, etc., during Don´s and my visit to Trinidad.
I am sure that you have many shoots that I could not make, so please send them to the Circular.


RE: Museum Stuff
FROM: Michael D'Ornellas  
Friday, July 6, 2012 4:54 PM

Dear Nigel,

To set the records straight concerning the Museum, both Gary and myself have not had a meeting with the Abbot to discuss the matter to date.
We are hoping to do as soon as possible.
Gary tried to set up a meeting with me I think last week but unfortunately our time won't mesh.
I guess a meeting will be in place by next week for the latest, and after this meeting we should be ready to approach the Abbot with our proposal.
We will keep you posted.
Thank you very much for sending the exhibits .... I have to collect them from Joe.
Best regards

-----Original Message-----------------------------------------------------
From: Nigel Boos []
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 7:54 AM

Good stuff, Joe.
I'm relieved that the materials have arrived safely into Trinidad. I hope you didn't have to pay extra customs duty or such-like.
I also agree that there should be a legal document drawn up, or at least a "Letter of Understanding", of some sort, to ensure that the items remain the property of the Old Boys Association, come what may.
These items were donated, in good faith, by Terrence Ferreira and Trevor Evelyn, and this should be borne in mind.
Perhaps, if I might suggest, Dennis Gurley could help in drawing up a simple document for signature by Fr. Abbot and the Old Boys Association.

I'm sure that Specs and Gary must be considering this also, but it would be a good idea too, to invite all the OB's of MSB to send in their memorabilia for eventual inclusion into the proposed Museum.

(Laz - I guess that Arthur Knaggs' OASIS documents might also be included in the information pile being prepared for general inclusion in the Museum.)

On this matter - I wonder who now has the President's Trophy that was presented to the student who, annually, in the estimation of the boys than attending the Abbey School, represented the ideals of the school?
It would be nice to have this also sent in for the Museum.

It was great seeing you and Sum again, Joe. Keep well and God bless you


(I agree that the Knaggs documentation should be included. The editor)
On 2012-07-05, at 7:34 AM, Joe wrote:

Dear Nigel,

Although grossly overweight, I was fortunate to be able to bring the packages to Trinidad. I called Gary Mathews three times since returning to arrange to hand it over and he hasn't responded.
I also spoke to "Specks" who should have someone collect it on Friday.
Given the present relationship with the monastery, the fact that the museum will be theirs (under their control and direction) and the uncertain future of the community.
I asked Specks to be clear when handing the items over that they are on loan, remain the property of the ASAA and that we should receive and indemnity against their loss damage or theft.

> ------Original Message-------------------------------------------------------------
From: Nigel Boos
Sent: Jul 5, 2012 7:24 AM

So, what's the latest re. the package of stuff you were trying to take into Trinidad?
Any luck?
Or did you leave everything here in TO?
Please advise.

FROM: Art & Val Knaggs  
Friday, July 6, 2012 4:45 PM

Sounds like a go!
I have no objections, the fabulous journey through my days there, are embedded in my memories of my six years there.
But of course, I mostly keep in touch with those with whom I shared those years; and I have been up there sharing with the 'new boys' my adventures and exciting years there, especially Scouting with Fr. Ildefons; who had three of the First King Scouts from Mount (myself, Ray deCambra & Trevor Evelyn  (and there was also one other King Scout from a South Group in Gasparillo).
I have a lot of experiences & stories I could try and share (as I was known as Crazy Knaggs or Scroongie... not too sure what it meant); I better give it a try, as my memory is gently fading. I am also having quite a lot of medical challenges (old age).
Who knows.
As ever Art

Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2012 14:27:35 -0400

You raise an interesting thought - is it really worth it to propose a small Museum to house artifacts based on the 42 years existence of a relatively unknown school at Mt. St. Benedict?

I'd love to know what the rest of the OB's think about the matter. Maybe Ladislao can ask everyone to respond, in his next Circular.

For my part, it really doesn't matter very much. We were never important enough to be remembered for anything (or so the general public might think), but we did turn out a number of good men who, until today, still make valuable contributions wherever life has led them.

The school supposedly began in 1944 and closed in 1986. That was 26 years ago, when the doors were shut, and the youngest boys at the Abbey School would then have been, say, 11 years of age at the time. Therefore, by 2012, those boys would now be 11 + 26 = 37 years of age. Assuming that they / some of them live to 70, then a museum of any sort would be interesting only to those survivors for the next 33 years. But then there are all our kids, who themselves might like to research what their fathers did in the mid 1900's, and a museum of such a sort could be invaluable.

I think I'd side with the "YES" party, in favour of a Museum.


FROM: Nigel Boos  
Monday, July 16, 2012 3:31 PM


Eddie Lloyd has asked me to pass on this sad news of his brother's death in Vancouver on 14/7/2012.
Would you please help him to pass the word on to the rest of the MSB Old Boys?
I've already responded privately to his note to me.
Others may wish to do the same.
Thank you in advance.

From: Ed Lloyd <>
Date: 15 July, 2012 5:24:46 PM EDT

Hi Nigel
Betty and I are Vancouver at the moment.
My younger brother Maurice expired yesterday 14/07/12 after having gone into a coma last Sunday.
He suffered badly with COPD.
Too young at 64, but the Lord wanted him more than us. 
We turned off his life support just after we arrived from the UK but he managed to survive for 24 hrs and went peacefully in the end.
Could you put this note on the MSB newsletter as he stayed in touch with some of his old class mates.
With best wishes.

FROM: Nigel Boos  
Thursday, July 19, 2012 3:50 AM

Whoever knew that Pete Seeger himself was one of the first to introduce steelbands to the American public? Well, here's the proof, from 56 years ago.

This may bring back memories or some, while others may find it very educational.  The good old days.  Enjoy!!

A genuine classic.

This 15 minute youtube video presents Pete Seeger (who wrote a manual for playing steel drums) visiting steel drum makers and players in Trinidad in 1956.

Watch all of it! 

A well-deserved tribute to the tremendous talent, energy, perseverance and skill of the old-time pan makers and players in T&T. Especially Kim Loy Wong.

And to Pete Seeger, a real pioneer of pan in the U.S.

You may know someone or of someone in this film from 56 years ago.

Hope you enjoy it.


Joe and Sum,

It was so nice seeing you again last night at David and Debbie Johnson's home. Thanks for the cooking lesson. I'm going to have to start soaping my chives.

I'm very happy with the fact that you have agreed to carry with you the items provided by Terrence Ferreira and the photographs supplied by Trevor Evelyn, and intended, hopefully, for any eventual MSB Abbey School Museum which might be set up in Trinidad. Here are some photographs of the items you're taking with you, in order to help you get through the Trinidad Customs at Piarco.

I understand that you will pass these items on to Michael D'Ornellas and Gary Matthews, who I'm told are most involved in discussing / implementing the proposed Museum plans.

Michael and Gary,

I'm sending you a few items you'll remember, and which have been provided by some of the Old Boys in Ontario and (Terrence Ferreira) New Jersey.

Good luck to you all, and let's see the Museum come alive one day.

God bless you, everyone.



Ladislao Kertesz at,
12LK6325UNIONTWR, View from the Union Towers
12LK6334ASAA, Meeting at the Association
12LK6375BBQDGU, Zhong Berment and Ladislao Kertesz
12LKAF3586AFR, Andres Freytez in a swimming meet

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