Saturday, 28 July 2012

Circular No 560

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 28 July 2012 No.560
Dear Friends,
The 100th year Anniversary celebration should be celebrated as a unit or separate from the School.
I suggest that we plan a parallel celebration, starting now.
Join with the one morning celebration at the Mount and in the evening our celebration.
Of course include a week of possible reunions should be promoted, specially for out of the country oldboys.
From: Cornel de Freitas <>
Date: 28 May 2012 18:17
Hi Kazim,
Thanks so much for sharing,
Hoping there will be many more pictures so we can also enjoy our the good tmes our Brothers are sharing together.
It gives me a great sense of togetherness to enjoy through the pictures what great fun they are all having during this truly great and I guess once in a lifetime reunion.
Just sorry I couldn't be there with them, but happy for them all the same.
Cornelius .....
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 09:20:12 -0400
Nice photo, await more photos.
Yes, judging by the photo you guys are having a good time.
From: Don Mitchell
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 6:46 AM
Hi George,
We had a wonderful time in Trinidad.
Our hosts treated us to a varied and exciting weekend.
I discovered, if I had not known it before, that I don't understand how to use my camera properly.
However, I attach one of the photos so you can see what a wild west time we had!
This is us fishing off the north coast on Sunday!
I am sure that Ladislao will circulate much more interesting ones in the weeks to come.
Maybe he will post some Circulars that are just pictures.
There is no need for a lot of words in every Circular.
Remember what they say about the worth in words of one picture?
Keep well.
----- Original Message --------------------------------------------------
From: A Mickiewicz
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 7:33 AM
Hi Ladislao and Don.....
We pray that you were able to get home safely after your trip last week.
We await with great anticipation to read about your visit and see the pixs that you took......
May God bless you,
FROM: Nigel Boos
Thursday, July 5, 2012 1:22 PM
Hi there, Kazim,
Thanks for your note.
Are you still in hospital, or where are you now? Is there a telephone number I can reach you at?
Best wishes.
On 2012-07-04, at 4:56 PM,
kazim abasali wrote:
Hi dear friends,
Jon, Nigel, Glen, improving daily.
Working at it too.
Jon, what you shared is so true, time to reflect, focus on what is important, always acknowledging God first and his Guidance.
Will keep you all updated.
Thanks for continued prayers,
God bless you all....
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 3:29 PM,
Nigel Boos <> wrote:
Hello, Kazim.
Man, we're all thinking of you and praying that you'll come out of this trial with renewed courage and hope.
I trust that you're feeling a little better with each passing day.
We missed you at David Johnson's Reunion Part last Saturday, but of course we understood your situation and why you couldn't be there with us.
May God be with you, my friend.
Hoping and praying,
On 2012-06-27, at 12:15 PM,
kazim abasali wrote:
Hi Brothers,
typing with left hand, improving, thank you for prayers and support ......
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 7:03 PM,
Jon Golding <> wrote:
Greetings All
Let me also add my concerns and prayers for a quick and full recovery for our brother Kazim.
The Good Lord is telling him something and has gained our attention and support too.
These are positive moments to reflect and be thankful that Kazim is still with us and will come out of this stronger and more focused.
I speak from direct similar experience and am a better person for it..
It has also brought us all closer together which will make him very happy I am sure.
And us too, of course!
From: A Mickiewicz []
Sent: 13 June 2012 03:53
I am adding my prayers to those of yours as Matthew tells us “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Jesus is with Kazim and all of us as we ask the Father to heal his loving son,
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 5:55 PM
Wow, Glen... that is such sad news...
Our prayers will be with him...
We never know when or what will hit us and life is short.
I will call him tomorrow.
Attila Gyuris
From: Glen Mckoy <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 5:40 PM
Subject: Kazim needs our prayers.
My Dear Brothers,
I just got a phone call from our brother Kazim.
He had a stroke last Thursday, he is speaking now, slowly, he will be in the hospital until further notice, I will be speaking with him tomorrow.
I told him I will inform our brothers of the situation and we must keep our brother Kazim in our prayers for a good recovery, thank God he is in good spirits.
he said this number may change in a few days.
Kazim's sister is with him, this is all I can say at the moment, will talk to him again tomorrow, I am sad to share this news and pray his condition will improve in due course.
Your Faithfully
Glen McKoy.
From: "Natividad Cabello" <>
Date: 11 Nov 10:02 (PST)
Tengo que agradecerte el tiempo que dedicaste a hablar conmigo para tratar de incluirme entre los contactos de los viejos estudiantes del The Abbey School.
Cuando me llamaste pensé que estabas llamando a mi hermano Winston Cabello quien estuvo estudiando 1ro, 2do y 3er Año, también mi primo Miguel Ángel estuvo un año mas que hermano.
Yo apenas estuve estudiando el 1er Año y de verdad que los amigos que tenia están la mayoría en Caripe, Edo Monagas quienes estuvieron en ese Colegio mucho tiempo y los veo de ves en cuando estoy de vacaciones.
En estoy momentos estoy dedicado a mi familia, trabajo y la parte espiritual casi que no me dejan tiempo para más nada, mas aun cuando no domino el idioma Ingles bien.
De todas maneras gracias por todo y que tenga el mejor de los éxitos en la organización que pretendes realizar.
Ladislao: I have to thank you for the the time that you have dedicated to speak with me, trying to include to me between the contacts of the old students of the The Abbey School.
When you called to me I thought that you were calling to my Winston brother, who studied Form 1, 2 and 3, also my cousin Miguel Angel who was one more year than brother.
I was only did study Form 1, and my friends were mainly from Caripe Edo Monagas, who were in School for a longer time. I see them once in a while when I am on vacations.
At this time I am dedicated to my family, work and the spiritual part, I have almost no time for anything, but even though I do not dominate the Ingles language well.
Anyway thanks for everything and that you have successes in the organization which you try to make. Greetings.
From: "Leonard Abbott" <>
Date: 2 Aug 19:02 (PDT)
Dear Ladislao,
Just to give you an update, Mr. Bernard Tappin (1961) contacted me today and he is assisting in contacting more old boys that he knows. I tried making contact with Dr. Bratt, however all I'm getting is his office voice mail. I left a message there but did not get a response. I will try again on Monday, but if you have a home contact number for him please let me know. Again it seems that we are getting a strong response from the older boys and I feel it is very important while they are only now coming on board their input into this event would be most welcomed and I'm using this forum to invite any suggestions these distinguished gentlemen may have to offer.
Thanks again for your assistance.
Ps: this circular is copied to the members of the reunion committee
please feel free to add their names to your circular if you do not have them already.
God bless,
Leonard Abbott
Reunion Committee
Phone: 1-868-692-3135
Mobile: 1-868-763-7073
-----Original Message------------------------------------------------
From: Ladislao Kertesz []
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 9:15 AM
Dear Leonard,
I have received information on our contact with Fr. Abbot, and we are making diligence to have the rest of the old boys informed, unfortunately time is against us.
Miguel has been receiving the circulars since March but he never mentioned any event. I mention this because Salvador Coscarart informed me of his address and the planned? event. I would have helped your cause but lacked the information that I published recently.
I have retained the circular No. 90 waiting for this confirmation, so tonight it
goes out with the necesary haste.
If you want me to send the circular to your friends or those you think should get it, please send me their emails.
God Bless
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 15:48:49 -0400, "Leonard Abbott" wrote:
Fr. Abbot's contact # is 1-868-662-5286.
-----Original Message-----------------------------------------
From: Ladislao Kertesz []
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 3:35 PM
This is for you Leonard,
Why is Fr. Abbot mum,?
Do you have a contact at the Mount??.
I have received several email indicating this problem!
I hope you have information at the Mount for those calling the telephone number that you have for Fr. Abbot.
God Bless
------- Start of forwarded message -------
From: "JonGolding" <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 14:11:25 -0400
I'll do my best.
I have found a few others in TT like Peter Boos (1957)
I sent a request for a ticket direct to the Abbot but have heard nothing so far.
If I hear nothing I will just show up on the Sunday.
I leave in a few days for London.
Take care
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ladislao Kertesz" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 12:28 PM
Dear Jon,
I hope you have bought rolls of film or new batteries for the digital camera.
Please send me the photos of the event so that I may include them in the circular.
Of course individual photos of the guys that we knew would be appreciated.
Please make propaganda for the circular, we need new guys in the listing, I am sure most are not in the list and of course I do not have their emails.
I hope you meet additional friends, other than those that you already met.
Maybe someone knows about Bro. Vincent, PG. Wilson ( there is nothing in the internet)
Also please ask Fr. Cuthbert for the address of Fr. Paul and Fr. Francis?
He told me that it was matter of going up to his room!.
Ask Fr. Benedict if he is getting the circulars, I believe that the person at the computer is not delivering the circulars.
If not then I must mail them by snailmail.
God Bless
On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 21:46:12 -0400,
"JonGolding" wrote:
Hi Ladislao,
I am settling in to TT very well but never been so busy in my life!!
I have a demanding but very interesting job with RBTT Bank.
When I see you on 17th August I will fill you in.
Hope you are well
God Bless
----- Original Message -----------------------------------------
From: "Ladislao Kertesz" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 7:55 PM
Dear Jon,
How are you?
I hope that TT is as you thought it would be?
I have not written to you before as I know that if you had any information you would send it along.
O can it be that you are not receiving the Circulars ????
Well just let you know we are still trying to get MSB old boys a rerun
God Bless
Ladislao Kertesz at,
12LK5798NCALKE, Natividad Cabello and Ladislao Kertesz
12LK6346SHEWKE, Gurley´s dinner
12LK6347ARAGRP, Gurley´s dinner
60UN1960CHRONO, Holidays year 1960

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